Home > Footer / Button Settings

Footer / Button Settings

Here you can customize the footer section of your pricing table column by adding footer content in some templates as well as customizing button. Hover on footer / Button section of the column, you will get styling/settings options visible on the right/left side which are described in detail below.

ARPrice provides some templates having a footer section where custom content can be added before/after button. Let’s see footer section options in detail,

ARPrice - Footer Settings

Here is the input to add custom content to be displayed in the footer section ( for each toggle step if toggle price is enabled ).

Content Position

Here is the way to display footer content at the following positions, you can see the instant change of position in the editor.

  • Below Button
  • Above Button

At caption column footer general settings, you will find following options to customize content,

  • Text Alignment
  • Font Family
  • Font Size
  • Font Style

You can navigate to the next column or previous column for the same options by click on navigation arrows given below at these options box.

Button General Settings

You can customize button text and style for the particular column from here. When you click on this option you will get the following options,

ARPrice - Button Settings

Button Content

Add/Change button text here and add font icons with button content from Add Font icon option at bottom of button content input.

Button Width

As you can see in the picture, here is the slider at the right to change the button width of a particular column by sliding from minimum width 80px to maximum width 200px. You will see an instant change in the editor for that particular column.

Button Height

As you can see in the picture, here is the slider at the right to change the button height of a particular column by just sliding from minimum height 30px to maximum height 60px. Changes will display instant in the editor.

Button Image Settings

You may want to display custom image on button instead of any text then this can be possible from here. Please get more details at below.

ARPrice - Button Image Settings

Button Image URL

Here are the options to add URL input and Add Button Image button from where you can select/upload your custom image. Once you have added your custom image, you can see Remove Image at right. If you do not need your button image anymore then click on that link to remove the image and get button text back.

If you need to configure action on button click of a particular column. Here are the options for that as you can see in the following picture and describe in detail below.

ARPrice - Button Script Settings

You can add redirection URL where you need to redirect after a click of the button. Or you may just need to jump on a specific point on the same page where the pricing table is placed then please add a hash link here.

For Example

Embed Script ( Third Party Short code / Script Integration )

Now, ARPrice also facilitates you to add your embed script or any third party Short codes/scripts like “PayPal” to perform various action on button click.

ARPrice supports following,

  • WooCommerce
  • s2Member
  • PayPal
  • ARForms
  • ARMember
  • Any script or Short code which returns button,link,form etc.

    For Example,
    If you want to use Shortcode of s2Member subscription button, just pick your s2Member button Short code and add it to embed script, At front view you can see the button of s2Member if Shortcode returns button and by click on that button, it will redirect you to checkout page of s2Member.

If Shortcode/script returns button then that button will be displayed only if the Hide Default Button option is checked.

Hide Default Button

As said above this option helps you to hide the ARPrice default button and display button returned from third party Shortcode/script in embed script. Or you may just hide the button if you do not need a button any more at a particular column.

Open in New Tab or New Window?

If you are going to redirect to a particular URL on button click then you can also check Open in New Tab? or Open in New Window? to open the URL in a new tab or new window.

ARPrice provides an option to add your button as a Nofollow link to say search engines not to follow this link. There will be the same styling and settings applied to the Nofollow link.